There is no mention of the pilot Oblt Bode being injured in any way however. But it was also the catalyst to the Germans switching priorities to London from the airfields which probably led to them eventually giving up on Sealion. Thanks to former Stanhoe resident Arthur Walker for most of the information on these crash sites. There is a photo of Gefr Becker and the photo you mention? He was arrested at Hollyhurst, Burwash Weald (TN19 7NA) after spending the night in the woods. So, nothing concrete at this point but the stories of seeing a pilot parachute from a crashing aircraft will have been widely reported at the time, these kids either seeing them happen or talk to other kids who saw them happen. I refuse to accept they would not have been buried without due regard, and the 4 unidentified ones were buried in Chartham the next day. They did wonder if it may have been the gibbet being confused with some sort of aerial or radar or if it was just confusion to where they were or if even they had just overshot London which was only 60 miles away. 23/2/44 Me410 at Halland The book is part of a 3 volume set and not too expensive that briefly details all the known wartime crashes in the county as well as some of the V weapon incidents. I'm hoping to update with some of the Just to add to the confusion the lake at Horsmonden was searched some years ago as it was alleged a German bomber crashed into it but nothing was ever found. Your information was spot on! Stuart. Thanks Michael, i lived in mount field and worked at the gypsum mines where a he111 crashed are there any photos of this crash which was unusual as the plane appeared to have dropped out of the sky as no trees were damaged at rear of plane and engines indentations looked as though it was nearly 45 degrees as a 14 year old mates and self collected loads of 300 bullets and other pieces also the name plate was in the fitting shop on a board with tools seem to remember made in rostock was on this plate 1 crew bailed out and found next morning in beech tree by the cleared land under power lines near the compressor house would be approx 50 yards from a/craft airman was a bit of a stroppy type but was put in his place by works foreman who so happened to be in home guard specials. After further research, I have concluded that the only Do-17 of that nine-bomber formation that crashed on British soil was NOT the one whose crew was at one time buried in Litlington church yard. Interestingly-enough, the fifth member of the crew was a Dr. Otto Sommer, who is described on the Web as a politician (i.e member of the Nazi Party). Thank you so much. He served in the BEF the Royal Engineers blowing up bridges during the retreat to Dunkirk. My grand father was in the home guard and was apparently first on the scene with his bucket of sand for the ammo. Good luck with the search on the ground, be interested to see if you locate any signal patterns with a metal detector sweep. WebCrashsites Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Second World War (1939-1945) Crash Site B-17E Flying Fortress 41-9151 Melanesia Solomon Islands Choiseul Choiseul Bay Crashsites Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Second World War (1939-1945) War Memorial Clayes & Memorial Crash 29 Mei 1943 Western Europe France Bretagne Clayes Crashsites Boeing B-17 Flying WebKent's towns were bombed throughout the war and casualties on the ground were often heavy in spite of the fact that thousands of people went underground to avoid the raids. The pair collided with another Nomad over southern Lake Muskoka and crashed into the lake's icy depths on December 13th, 1940 while searching for another pilot that had gone missing in a snow storm the day before. By the time I got there, most of the bits of the aircraft had been removed. I think the aircraft was the one mentioned at page 47 of Blitz over Sussex 1941-42. It as said missed their bungalow by 20 foot. If you can get hold of the civil defence diary they might be able to shed some light on it. I would be very interested in any information on a crash of what I guess would have been a Messerschmitt between Mayfield and Stonegate in East Sussex. I'm trying to make a list of places to visit before i go on Holiday. I have looked at the maps again Gerald. Obelt. Not sure re spitfire crash will ask my dad over the xmas period. Does anyone have any clues? You have to wonder how many wrecks will just never be discovered, particularly those that lie under water. They also used a drain under the road, if they had time to get to it. But there are similar stories relating to the air raids on Nottingham of 8/9 May 1941 which is interesting. I have recently purchased an original HE111 photo which proports to be a line of of aircraft in France at the beginning of the Battle of Britain. Sleeping rough turned out to be in a horse barn, on fresh hay in a stall next to a couple of snorting show horses. The fuselage of the Dornier 17 discovered during an English Heritage funded survey of the Goodwin Sands, Kent, it was raised by the RAF Museum in 2013. Hi Owen, One of the engines from the Heinkel broke off and fell into My family history research had hit a brickwall but within the last few days (April 2016), a stroke of luck and a report in national newspapers of 24.03.1939 identified a RAF plane crash just before WW2 on 23.03.1939. 24/2/44 Ju188 at Withyham Dont know what type of plane it was or if is connected to the aircraft panel you purchased. There are recorded crashes of a few allied aeroplanes in Mayfield. Do17Z-2 Wn3230 U5+ET is described as having been shot down at Nine Acre wood, Kilndown at 15.15 on the 15th. The plaque in East Hill, Dartford, remembers the three airmen and three residents who died on 31 July 1941. See our extensive range of expert advice to help you care for and protect historic places. When the pilot clambered out of the wrecked aircraft, the farmhands rushed at him with pitchforks and when he started to play with the farmers black lab, the farmers wife, Mrs Shelmerdine called the dog away. The farm I think is a private residence now no longer working and looks very affluent with tennis courts and such so Ill probably post a letter first before turning up and doffing my cap. I remember in the 1970s a helicopter crashing up at the gibbet as well. I was told exactly where it crashed but that was over 25yrs ago & I was in a pub at the time lol. The crash is listed in Volume 3 of Parkers Luftwaffe Crash Archive series (see bibliography page). - Vintage Photograph 1896253 at the best online prices at eBay! There was so much debris and military junk in general left around Eastbourne, even up to the early 1950s, that nobody would have been much interested in our fragment. I dont suppose you ever visited that part of the country? I only ask as our house in Burgoyne road was flattened by a rogue bomb in 1940 killing the family inside. Jettisoned its bombs but crashed in flames and burned out at Kings Somborne at about 2.15 p.m. Schoolkids were reportedly on site at the time taking souvenirs. This aircraft took off from Paris for a raid on Birmingham but was attacked by a Boulton Paul Defiant night fighter over Redhill. Sometime in 1952 a pal of mine, Dave Smith, who lived not far from the crash site, collared me and we went looking for evidence of the impact of that 410. Hi can you call me? Im only just discovering the history of the area in more detail now as I dont have to commute to London any more. Superfortress 44-61999 Over-Exposed! air crash site on Bleaklow, All photos and text are unless otherwise stated. I dont know about Parkers Book so if you do have anything of interest Id still be keen to see it. Whilst looking through the wreckage of the he 111 we came across an integrated circuit! At least one other Luftwaffe pilot, Alfred Hoffman was also buried here in September. ww2 plane crash sites map kent. Usually have my camera slung about my neck and wear a fairly smart jacket to appear presentable but yes, a letter would go a long way! Hi Ray, I have the full set of Lufwaffe crashes in ww2 by red hill books, I did find the 109 crash that you refer to in Volume 2 of my books, amazing that your mother witnessed the whole thing, it would have been certain to have a profound affect on her. Both survived the war and were decorated. But you dont know that, so its understandable that you should ask me where I am up to. Webww2 plane crash sites map kent Posted March 22, 2023 Takeoff Date: Crew Status: Crash Date: Thank You. While Ian is looking over the Crash Archives, as I live in a neighbouring parish I had a quick look over the Burgess & Saunders Sussex wartime aviation books. Where Instood within a few inches of the remains of that plane that nearly hit my mother 75 years earlier . A quick search on asisbiz provided photos of Do17Zs of 1/KG76 but not the specific aircraft F1+IH.,east-sussex/a-forgotten-piece-of-netherfield-history_memory-152301, Hi, Im doing some research for the 80th anniversary of the battle of britain in chilham and wondered if you knew of the location on the farm? In fact I think Ive also seen the pic you mention with the two bobbies holding parts of the debris. Both planes were part of the nonprofit organization's fleet of 180 aircraft used in its own air shows and those of other groups to demonstrate how the planes were used in World War II. Will take a look Adam. Regards Alan Bush, Hi Alan, I will take a look tomorrow and get back to you. Sorry, I was on annual leave last week so had no access to my books. That comprehensive account of Schmitters exploits and eventual demise are utterly fascinating. They ere veterans of the Battle of Britain when flying Blenheim IFs and by all accounts a deadly night fighting ace team who claimed over a dozen enemy aircraft. During the flight, the flying boats crew lost their way and found themselves well off course. Historic Environment Records (HERs) also have an important role to play in the protection of aircraft wreck sites. The former German and British adversaries each exchanged their side of the encounter with the other before departing as friends. Web/ ww2 plane crash sites map kent. My problem is that I do not remember which year that was. I have seen references to this crash with the T replaced with other letters, so there will be more information out there if not entirely accurately recorded. His ME 109 was engaged by RAF planes over the Thames and damaged badly, From what happened after that encounter we can only guess that the pilot was trying to control his stricken plane but lost control and plummeted to the ground in front of my mother At Hurst Farm Chilham Kent. pilot crash bomber lost site wwii river alaska man charley discovery obsession led visits doug beckstead near his As you say, they were all human beings without much say in the matter. He said the church archives are stored in Brighton somewhere and he was going to look into that at sometime. A few miles away at Hawarden airfield, three spitfire pilots, Ayerst, Hallings-Pott and McLean were preparing to secure their aircraft away in hangers for the night, when they too heard the explosions at RAF Sealand and immediately jumped into action scrambling their spitfires. With the use of photography and writing, this work explores the plane crash sites in the New Hampshire White Mountains. Anthony. Says the aircraft crashed on fire and was completely smashed. co-incidentaly I too now live in Australia. Many thanks. A Heinkel He-111 was seen over Alfriston on 10 April 1941. I also used to watch Bury mostly away games. I am interested in the two pilots and the observer that died in the crash. Also iam Curious about a Plane a Junkers 88A-5840 Which Came Down 13th August 1942 Shot Down By BS squadron Pilots Sullivan And Skeel, Freidrich was a Junkers crew Member I cant find nothing on the internet but I Have Bid on a Part from the Junkers On ebay. The thing I remember clearly was the smell of rotting flesh and the little grey strips I have a wing flap off a Messasmit 109 or I believe an Avalon ! Being able to search for the pilot by name saved me searching through lots of books and studying maps. Hi Ian, yes it was a black day for the Luftwaffe and the civilian population. Obviously stories get distorted over time ! She walked back to the Farm gate and sat on it and sobbed her heart out She had just seen someone someones son or Husband lose his life a few yards away, At that time she had no idea about the War plane nor its pilot, It had happened to quick. F-100F Super Sabre Superior, Arizona April 4, 1960 . The same source said that they buried him at the site would this be likely? That is the only other part detailed in After the Battle book. Dad never wanted to talk about the war, but when my son asked him this is one of the things he told him. I recently discovered a german airplane was shot down over my village in Sussex on 15th Aug 1940 after raiding Croydon airfield. There were so many terrible tragedies during those months I could not believe my eyes at some of the acounts of the battle that I saw at the Museum at Hawkinge Lastly my Friend who accompanied me Thinks that he saw the Engine on display of the plane that had shot the bf109 down which had itself been attacked four days later over kent and come down taking a young British Pilot to his death How sad that if so Both Engins of both planes sit close to each other at the Battle of Britain Museum todaay 75 years on.. Kind regards Ray Hill. Gerald. But please do give me a reminder if you havent heard from me one way or the other by mid-Feb! so Ill probably post a letter first before turning up and doffing my cap made me laugh. Hi Neil, happy to take a look and compare with what I have in books etc. Of the four bombs that landed in the city itself, all rolled around the streets and never exploded except one: it killed my wifes schoolfriend. 21 August 1940: 1./KG54 Junkers Ju 88 A-1. The Nachtjagd diary books list pilots and what happened to them. He seems to think the crash was at Heath-croft Road Sunbury, by the Post office. Williams and Pilot Officer J.W. Many Thanks! The bomber finally levelled off at around twenty feet above the ground, followed relentlessly by Peter Ayerst in his Spitfire. I do get lots of requests for information and sometimes I can help, others I cant but I usually try to help out if I can. Cheers I wonder whether the event may have happened earlier during the Battle of Britain as there are numerous recorded crashes around Mayfield then? Hi,Id be very grateful if anyone could help me with the following.My Father(now 83) remembers being sent to live with one of his aunts who lived near Greens Windmill,Mount Street,Sneinton Nottingham during the Blitz (as his parents lived on Butler Street Radford Nottingham literally 2 doors up from the perimeter wall around the Raleigh Cycle works which was involved in war work and they feared being hit by German bombers!) Battle Rural District bore the brunt of V1s shot down. The next day, the RAF and the local civil authorities came to his school and asked the kids to bring back what they had collected. Dear Simon It unloaded its bombs in the sea and they exploded with a deafening crash. However, on the first page a local historian has recently provided an email address and seems happy to be contacted. Ron Dyson and I hiked several times from Eastbourne to Cuckmere Haven, sometimes going back along the beach under the cliffs until we either climbed up Birling Gap or Cow Gap to get back onto the Downs. No crash at Saddlescombe is shown on the maps in either of the first two books by Burgess and Saunders. Have you tried Pat Burgesss Bombers over Sussex? I am still trying to learn more about the four graves of Luftwaffe aircrew that I saw in Litlington (East Sussex) church yard sometime around 1949/50. That particular model of the Dornier carried five crew members, versus the usual four, and I can only assume that the cramped conditions with Sommer being sat so very close to the pilot, and the awful damage that occurs to human bodies when falling planes hit the ground, led to confusion in the reliable identification of the remains. WebThe aircraft and crew were assigned a VIP transport mission to RAF Reykjavik, specifically to transport Prince George, Duke of Kent to Iceland. I remember visiting the he 111 on Cairnsmore of fleet. The aircraft left Valenciennes at 0830, landed at Calais Marck then took off again at 0910 to attack the Vickers factory at Weybridge with seven other aircraft. One crew member kept going outside and shouting HANS she though the dead crew member might have been a close relation. I googled the werk nummer but nothing leapt out. Ok will take a look anyway, see whats recorded. One crew member bailed out and was taken prisoner at Fawkham, while the aircraft is presumed to have crashed in the English Channel along with the rest of the crew. Date: crew Status: crash Date: crew Status: crash Date crew. Hold of the civil defence diary they might be able to shed some light it. Made me laugh remember which year that was you locate any signal patterns with a detector... Bush, hi Alan, i will take a look and compare with i. Residents who died on 31 July 1941: 1./KG54 Junkers Ju 88 A-1 in 1940 killing family. 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Stacey Dooley Vegan, Articles W