If there is a match of 20 or more SBA inspections to FEMA inspections for any damage category, the median damage estimate for the SBA properties is used less the estimated average FEMA IHP repair grant and average SBA disaster loan grant weighted on take-up rates, which are generally high for IHP and low and for SBA. Available assistance includes reasonably anticipated assistance that has been awarded and accepted but has not yet been received. ). and regulatory requirements, which differ for each type of grantee, are described in each of the three paragraphs below. The limitation on eligible activities in section 42 U.S.C. III.C.1.g. FEMA is also required to verify you owned your home before providing home repair or home replacement assistance. The resale or recapture requirements must clearly describe the terms of resale or recapture and the specific circumstances under which resale or recapture will be used. Tiering, as described at 40 CFR 1508.1(ff) and 24 CFR 58.15, is a means of making the environmental review process more efficient by allowing parties to eliminate repetitive discussions of the same issues, focus on the actual issues ripe for decision, and exclude from consideration issues already decided or not yet ripe at each level of environmental review (40 CFR 1501.11(a)). The attraction, retention, and return of businesses and jobs to a disaster-impacted area is critical to long-term recovery. After HUD's approval of the action plan for program administrative costs, the grantee enters the activities from its approved action plan into the DRGR system if it has not previously done so and submits its DRGR action plan to HUD (funds can be drawn from the line of credit only for activities that are established in the DRGR system). Consideration of other potential sources of assistance when planning for the use of grant funds helps to limit the possibility of duplication between CDBGDR and other assistance. These dollar thresholds can impede recovery by limiting the amount of assistance the grantee may provide to a critical activity. Resilience is defined as a community's ability to minimize damage and recover quickly from extreme events and changing conditions, including natural hazard risks. For fair housing and equal opportunity purposes, and as applicable, such records shall include data on the racial, ethnic, and gender characteristics of persons who are applicants for, participants in, or beneficiaries of the program. (4) The grantee will not attempt to recover any capital costs of public improvements assisted with CDBGDR grant funds, by assessing any amount against properties owned and occupied by persons of low- and moderate-income, including any fee charged or assessment made as a condition of obtaining access to such public improvements, unless: (a) disaster recovery grant funds are used to pay the proportion of such fee or assessment that relates to the capital costs of such public improvements that are financed from revenue sources other than under this title; or (b) for purposes of assessing any amount against properties owned and occupied by persons of moderate income, the grantee certifies to the Secretary that it lacks sufficient CDBG funds (in any form) to comply with the requirements of clause (a). After that original grant, if a CDBGDR grantee is awarded a subsequent CDBGDR grant, HUD will rely on the grantee's prior submissions provided in response to the Financial Management and Grant Compliance Certification Requirements in the Consolidated Notice. 5304), section 106(c)(1) and (d) of the HCDA (42 U.S.C. If a grantee cannot meet all requirements at 24 CFR part 58, the pre-application costs cannot be reimbursed with CDBGDR or other HUD funds. III.C.1.f. HUD waives the public benefit standards at 42 U.S.C. 306108). elderly, frail elderly, persons with disabilities (mental, physical, developmental, etc. These areas overlap and HUD has identified both as most impacted and distressed areas for purposes of this allocation. A grantee may seek to reduce the overall benefit requirement below 70 percent of the total grant, but must submit a substantial amendment as provided in section III.C.6.a. An adequate plan must also demonstrate that the internal auditor and responsible audit staff report independently to the chief elected or executive officer or board of the governing body of any designated administering entity. For example, if a grantee is receiving funds under this notice for a disaster occurring in 2022 and the MID areas for the 2022 disaster overlap with the MID areas for a disaster that occurred in 2017, the grantee may choose to use the funds allocated under this notice to address unmet needs of both the 2017 disaster and the 2022 disaster. a state grantee to consult with affected local governments in nonentitlement areas of the state in determining the state's proposed method of distribution. Or FEMA will ask you to send documents to verify your expenses. HUD is adopting the following alternative requirement to section 105(a) and prohibiting the use of CDBGDR funds to assist a privately-owned utility for any purpose. Once HUD approves the action plan and approves certifications if required by appropriations acts, it will then sign a grant agreement obligating allocated funds to the grantee. A grantee must consult with other relevant government agencies, including state and local emergency management agencies that have primary responsibility for the administration of FEMA funds, if applicable. The potential for DOB arises most frequently under homeowner rehabilitation programs but is not limited solely to that type of activity. This limited waiver of the section 104(d) relocation assistance requirements assures uniform and equitable treatment for individuals eligible to receive benefits under section 104(d) by establishing that all forms of relocation assistance to those individuals must be in the amounts and for the types of assistance provided to displaced persons under URA requirements. This prohibition does not apply to acquisitions that meet the definition of a buyout. The plan must provide a clear connection between a grantee's impact and unmet needs assessment and its proposed programs and projects in the MID areas (or outside in connection to the MID areas as described in section II.A.3). ; and coordinate with local and regional planning efforts as described in section III.B.2.i and III.D.1.a. When required by III.D.1.d., grantees must take reasonable steps to ensure meaningful access for individuals with LEP. Therefore, to calculate the total maximum amount of the CDBGDR award, the grantee must: (1) identify total need; (2) identify total assistance; (3) subtract exclusions from total assistance to determine the amount of the DOB; and (4) subtract the amount of the DOB from the amount of the total need to determine the maximum amount of the CDBGDR award. Please contact your insurance company as soon as possible to file a claim. HUD OIG has initiated the annual HUD Consolidated financial statement audit and has contracted with CliftonLarsonAllen LLP (CLA) to conduct the audit. ); and. Instead, grantees must demonstrate that activities funded by the CDBGDR mitigation set-aside meet the provisions included as (1) through (4) in the prior paragraph, to be eligible. et seq.) assisted under a HUD program in the MID areas. If documentation cannot be provided, the grantee may accept a self-certification regarding how the applicant used the other agency's assistance, provided that the applicant is advised of the criminal and civil penalties that apply in cases of false claims and fraud, and the grantee determines that the applicant's total need is consistent with data the grantee has about the nature of damage caused by the disasters ( The responsible entity assumes all legal liability for the application, compliance, and enforcement of these requirements. HUD may disapprove an action plan or substantial action plan amendment if it is incomplete. Additionally, grantees shall report the total number of jobs created and retained and the applicable national objective in the DRGR system. Each grantee must develop an impact and unmet needs assessment to understand the type and location of community needs and to target limited resources to those areas with the greatest need. Congress may enact multiple supplemental appropriations of CDBGDR funds for disasters occurring in the same year and HUD may then publish multiple notices announcing CDBGDR grants for the same disaster. * 9902 reports are cumulative and should include data from the previous quarter. When the period of performance has ended, HUD will close out the grant and any remaining funds not expended by the grantee on appropriate programmatic purposes will be recaptured by HUD. Prior to the implementation of this waiver and alternative requirement, grantees must reassess post-disaster population and housing needs to determine the appropriate type and amount of lower-income dwelling units (both rental and owner-occupied units) to rehabilitate and/or reconstruct. CDBGDR funds are provided for necessary expenses for activities authorized under title I of the HCDA related to disaster relief, long-term recovery, restoration of infrastructure and housing, economic revitalization, and mitigation of risk associated with activities carried out for these purposes, in the most impacted and distressed areas (identified by HUD or the grantee) resulting from a major disaster. of the Consolidated Notice. Homeownership assistance waiver and alternative requirement.42 U.S.C. This repetition of headings to form internal navigation links See 39800 Road 425 B (ii) Affordable rental housing: Describe unmet affordable rental housing needs for LMI households as a result of the disaster or exacerbated by the disaster, including private market units receiving project-based rental assistance or with tenants that participate in the section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, and any other housing that is III.D.1.c. III.E.1. A state must coordinate with the Indian tribe with jurisdiction over the tribal area when providing CDBGDR assistance to beneficiaries in tribal areas. II.D.6. 5304(a)(2) and (3), 42 U.S.C. Access from your area has been temporarily limited for security reasons. Grantees must determine where to use the remaining amount of the CDBGDR grant, but Under 42 U.S.C. Although properties acquired through a buyout program may not be redeveloped, grantees may redevelop other acquired properties. 2000d Start Printed Page 32075 Identify Total Assistance. In addition, state grantees may transfer program income before closeout to any annual CDBG-funded activities carried out by a local government within the state. Retention of program income. 5302)) at the discretion of the Secretary: and IV.A.1.(f)). the Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. rehabilitation of a government building) begins. (2) Each grantee must provide HUD its procurement processes for review, so HUD may evaluate the grantee's processes to determine that they are based on principles of full and open competition. URA voluntary acquisitionhomebuyer primary residence purchase. Entities are not currently able to pull the SCHER1 report or comply with requirements of reporting to NSLDS after June 30, 2022. 5306(d) and 24 CFR 570.489(a)(1)(i) and (iii), and 24 CFR 570.489(a)(2) shall not apply to the extent that they cap administration and technical assistance expenditures, limit a state's ability to charge a nominal application fee for grant applications for activities the state carries out directly, and require a dollar-for-dollar match of state funds for administrative costs exceeding $100,000. Learn through self-paced online trainings, recorded webinars, and more. Upon a determination by HUD that the grantee has not carried out its CDBGDR activities and certifications in accordance with the requirements in the Consolidated Notice, HUD will undertake a further review to determine if the grantee has the continuing capacity to carry out its activities in a timely manner. This section of the notice describes the applicable laws and requirements related to DOB, including the general framework to calculate DOB. e.g., Payments made under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act (URA). Assistance Listing Numbers (formerly known as the CFDA Number). 5305(a)(24) is waived and replaced with the following alternative requirement: Provision of direct assistance to facilitate and expand homeownership among persons at or below 120 percent of area median income (except that such assistance shall not be considered a public service for purposes of 42 U.S.C. For recovery programs of the grantee that do not entail physical rebuilding, such as special economic development activities to provide an affected business with working capital, the total need will be determined by the requirements or parameters of the program or activity. To fortify these requirements and achieve a targeted use of funds and to safeguard against the potential over-subsidization when assistance is used to carry out activities that benefit private, for-profit utilities, the grantee must document that the level of assistance provided to a private, for-profit utility addresses only the actual identified needs of the utility. Currently, CDBGDR grantees using FEMA and CDBGDR funds on the same activity have encountered challenges in certain circumstances in reconciling CDBGDR elevation requirements and those established by FEMA. 06/02/2023, 154 For example, it may be reasonable for an applicant to elect to receive an immediate lump sum insurance settlement based on estimated cost of rehabilitation instead of waiting for a longer period of time for the insurance company to calculate reimbursement based on actual replacement costs, even if the reimbursement based on actual costs would exceed the lump sum insurance settlement. [URA] shall be denied such eligibility as a result of his being unable, because of a major disaster as determined by the President, to meet the occupancy requirements set by [the URA]. Accordingly, homeowner occupants and tenants displaced from their homes as a result of the identified disasters and who would have otherwise been displaced as a direct result of any acquisition, rehabilitation, or demolition of real property for a federally funded program or project may become eligible for a replacement housing payment notwithstanding their inability to meet occupancy requirements prescribed in the URA. HUD waives the provisions at 24 CFR 570.494 and 24 CFR 570.902 regarding timely distribution and expenditure of funds and establishes an alternative requirement providing that each grantee must expend 100 percent of its allocation within six years of the date HUD signs the grant agreement. For these disasters, the 2019 DOB Notice also implemented disaster relief/recovery) and not used for the same purpose must be excluded from total assistance when calculating the amount of the DOB. For activities that will construct five or more units, in addition to other applicable criteria in 24 CFR 570.208(a)(3) and 570.483(b)(3), in its action plan, a grantee must define the affordability standards, including affordable rents, the enforcement mechanisms, and applicable timeframes, that will apply to the new construction of affordable rental housing, The provisions of 42 U.S.C. headings within the legal text of Federal Register documents. Due to various weather-related events this year in certain states and territories, the OMB announced a Single Audit extension for the latter half of 2022 for non-federal entities and for-profit recipients. At a minimum, the grantee's action plan must contain a description of how the grantee will: (a) emphasize high quality design, durability, energy efficiency, sustainability, and mold resistance; (b) support adoption and enforcement of modern and/or resilient building codes that mitigate against natural hazard risks, including climate-related risks ( For CDBGDR, 49 CFR 24.101(b)(2) is waived to the extent that it applies to a homebuyer, who does not have the power of eminent domain, and uses CDBGDR funds in connection with the voluntary purchase and occupancy of a home the homebuyer intends to make their primary residence. A grantee may not charge such pre-award or pre-application costs to grants if the grantee cannot meet all requirements at 24 CFR part 58. A grantee's procurement processes must comply with the procurement requirements at section IV.B. (f) it assists in investigating and taking action when fraud occurs within the grantee's CDBGDR activities and/or programs. II.A.2.b. That any final allocation for the total estimate for unmet need made available under the preceding proviso shall include an additional amount of 15 percent of such estimate for additional mitigation: . The loan cancellation may be due to default of the borrower, agreement by both parties to cancel the undisbursed portion of the loan, or expiration of the term for which the loan was available for disbursement. Requirements for CDBG actions plans, located at 42 U.S.C. Public benefit for activities that support economic revitalization. III.C.1.e. The Public Inspection page may also 202310598 Filed 51723; 8:45 am], updated on 4:15 PM on Friday, June 2, 2023, 17 documents Green and resilient building standard for new construction and reconstruction of housing. The grantee's assessment of total need must consider in-kind donations of materials or services that are known to the grantee at the time it calculates need and makes the award. A grantee is only required to document declined loans if information available to the grantee ( Such adoption shall satisfy the responsibilities of the recipient with respect to such environmental review, approval, or permit. Less than $3,000 of FEMA inspected real property damage. Each grantee must also indicate in its action plan that it will make exceptions to the maximum award amounts when necessary, to comply with federal accessibility standards or to reasonably accommodate a person with disabilities. There is no due date for this plan as it may be submitted any time prior to the grantee's Public Action Plan. 4012a) which mandates the purchase of flood insurance protection for any HUD-assisted property within a Special Flood Hazard Area. Many grantees carry out economic revitalization programs that provide working capital assistance to businesses. Severe: IRS Form 1065 and MA Form 3 for Partnerships - Due the 15th day of the third month after . The data HUD uses to calculate unmet needs for 2022 qualifying disasters come from the FEMA IHP data on housing-unit damage as of January 10, 2023, and reflect disasters occurring in 2022 and declared on or before October 30, 2022. Without the DRRA loan exception, most subsidized loans duplicate CDBGDR funds for the same purpose (there are limited exceptions for declined, cancelled, or subsidized short-term loans to pay for eligible costs before CDBGDR funds became available, as described in section IV.A.1. Furthermore, a homeowner with flooding outside the one percent risk flood hazard area is determined to have unmet needs if they reported damage and no flood insurance to cover that damage. Accordingly, HUD clarifies that, the annual uncapped income limits published by HUD applies to CDBGDR funded activities in jurisdictions covered by the uncapped limits, including jurisdictions that receive disaster recovery funds from a state CDBGDR grantee. Within those areas are dozens of affected regular CDBG entitlement areas. In section II.A.2.b of the Consolidated Notice, grantees are instructed to incorporate mitigation measures when carrying out activities to construct, reconstruct, or rehabilitate residential or non-residential structures with CDBGDR funds as part of activities eligible under 42 U.S.C. The grantee shall describe the use of all grant funds for administrative costs in the Public Action Plan required by section III.C.1. Failure to grant this waiver would impede disaster recovery whenever Applicable Rules, Statutes, Waivers, and Alternative Requirements, B. Clarifications to the Consolidated Notice, VI. All rights reserved. Mitigation needs assessment. Obligation and expenditure of funds. This disaster was made eligible based on a concentration of damage in a zip code. documents in the last year, 1067 Except as modified, statutory and regulatory provisions governing the Entitlement CDBG Program shall apply to unit of general local government grantees (often referred to as local government grantees in appropriations acts). But it's one that will reap big rewards if you choose to pursue it. Each grantee must carry out the grant consistent with the grantee's certification that With respect to activities expected to be assisted with CDBGDR funds, the action plan has been developed so as to give the maximum feasible priority to activities that will benefit low- and moderate-income families.. CMS has directed all MACs to perform a probe and educate review in a format similar to the traditional TPE review. Grantees should consult their CPD specialist or CPD Representative with questions about the sufficiency of documentation. The alternative requirement to 42 U.S.C. Start Printed Page 32074. by adopting or amending an open space management plan that reflects responsible floodplain and wetland management and takes into account continued sea level rise, if applicable, and (e) increase awareness of the hazards in their communities (including for members of protected classes, vulnerable populations, and underserved communities) through outreach to the MID areas. Additional criteria and specific conditions to mitigate risk. (2) of the Consolidated Notice. The Appropriations Acts require HUD to include in any allocation of CDBGDR funds for unmet needs an additional amount of 15 percent for mitigation activities (CDBGDR mitigation set-aside). All Critical Actions, as defined at 24 CFR 55.2(b)(3), within the 500-year (or 0.2 percent annual chance) floodplain must be elevated or floodproofed (in accordance with FEMA floodproofing standards at 44 CFR 60.3(c)(2)(3) or successor standard) to the higher of the 500-year floodplain elevation or three feet above the 100-year floodplain elevation. To meet the LMHI national objective, the incentive must be (a.) 2. Applicants for CDBGDR assistance are expected to seek insurance or other assistance to which they are legally entitled under existing policies and contracts, and to behave reasonably when negotiating payments to which they may be entitled. When risks are identified among other vulnerabilities during the framing and design of mitigation projects, implementation of those projects can enhance protection and save lives, maximize the utility of scarce resources, and benefit the community long after the projects are complete. Federal Register The responsible entity must comply with section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (54 U.S.C. Grantees must ensure that the mitigation measures identified in their action plan will align with existing hazard mitigation plans submitted to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under section 322 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. The grantee's action plan must identify the use of all fundsincluding criteria for eligibility and how the uses address long-term recovery needs, restoration of infrastructure and housing, economic revitalization, and the incorporation of mitigation measures in the MID areas. To comply with the statutory requirement in the Appropriations Acts, grantees shall not use CDBGDR funds To permit a more streamlined process and ensure disaster recovery grants are awarded in a timely manner, provisions of 42 U.S.C. You can alsoget answers tofrequently asked questionsabout emergency shelters, disaster assistance, flood insurance and more. Grantees may also meet the requirement of the CDBGDR mitigation set-aside by including eligible recovery activities that both address the impacts of the disaster ( Action plan. 4630), section 305 of the URA (42 U.S.C. The grantee must use quantifiable and verifiable data in its analysis, as referenced in its action plan, to identify the MID areas where it will use the remaining amount of CDBGDR funds. Generally, working capital assistance is calculated after assessing a business's ability to use its current assets to pay its current liabilities. Grantees are strongly encouraged to explain and provide examples of how their actions can be expected to advance the following objectives: Grantees must identify the proximity of natural and environmental hazards ( et seq.) i.e., CDBGDR funds, however, shall not be used for a forced mortgage payoff. CDBGDR Appropriations Acts andFederal Register 5155, to ensure timely expenditure of funds, to maintain a comprehensive website regarding all disaster recovery activities assisted with these funds, and to detect and prevent waste, fraud, and abuse of funds. For state grantees, the action plan must describe how the grantee will distribute grant funds, either through specific programs and projects the grantee will carry out directly (through employees, contractors, or through subrecipients), or through a method of distribution of funds to local governments and Indian tribes (as permitted by III.B.2.d.). 4655), and regulations at 24 CFR 91.225(a)(2), (6), and (7), 91.225(b)(7), 91.325(a)(2), (6), and (7), 49 CFR 24.4(a), and 24 CFR 42.325 only to the extent necessary to allow grantees to receive a portion of their allocation as a grant for program administrative costs before submitting other statutorily required certifications. 5305(a)).. et seq., documents in the last year, 29 The Appropriations Acts provide that grants shall be awarded directly to a state, local government, or Indian tribe at the discretion of the Secretary. HUD is establishing an alternative process that offers a grantee the option to voluntarily provide a revised action plan, updated to respond to HUD's comments, no later than day forty-five in HUD's sixty-day review. To perform such an assessment, grantees must include data for the HUD-identified and grantee-identified MID areas that identifies the following information, as it is available: Grantees must explain how the use of funds will reduce barriers that individuals may face when enrolling in and accessing CDBGDR assistance, for example, barriers imposed by a lack of outreach to their community or by the lack of information in non-English languages or accessible formats for individuals with different types of disabilities. 'S CDBGDR activities and/or programs section 42 U.S.C Representative with questions about the sufficiency of.. Solely to that type of activity programs that provide working capital assistance is calculated after a... 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